Caramelised Onion and Blue Cheese Bites

I'd hesitate to call this a recipe. Simple squares of puff pastry topped with caramelised onion, thyme and blue cheese, it has become my go-to nibble for almost every dinner I've hosted.

Not quite a starter, but the perfect nibble to have on the table when guests arrive and enjoy a glass of wine. If there's food waiting, no dinner can fail.

Caramelise onions with butter and thyme - cooking until they brown and become a little sticky, but not soft. Add enough water to cover them, allow to simmer, stirring occasionally. When the water disappears you will be left with sweet, soft puddles of onion.

Allow your oven to heat to 180 degrees C while you are making your onions. Cut rectangles out off puff pastry - approximately 3cm x 7cm - and place on a baking sheet. Top with the onions and thyme and generous dollops of blue cheese. Bake for approximately 20 minutes, until the pastry is golden. Delicious enjoyed at room temperature.


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