(WIN) Christmas at Woolworths

Christmas crackersSnowflake BaubleSequin Bauble.
It's no secret that I love Christmas. The smell of cinnamon, the hot days of summer, Christmas carols - the food - I love it all. However, I haven't really been feeling it this year. It just feels like there is so much to do before I am able to relax with a G & T, while listening to Michael Buble's Christmas Album. I've tried to push Christmas to the back of my head, until I'm ready for it. However, Woolworths have made it that much harder to do.

With a delivery of a box filled with Christmas happiness, I'm now ready to embrace the season's festivity (and general madness). It's hard to ignore when faced with sparkly lights and cinnamon spiced cookies.

These Glitter Lights might well be my favourite item in the box. Sparkles + lights = Christmas happiness. Luxury Hazelnut Shorbread.
Sparkly SoetkoekiesHandcrafted Humbugs,  Luxury Hazelnut Shorbread, Handcrafted Coconut Ice.
You'll see a few of my favourites here - along with the lights, the addition of a few very special baubles, means our tree is sure to be its prettiest this year. It's our second married Christmas together, and we are still in the process of forming our own traditions. All the sweet treats have been neatly piled on top of the piano - while I will look at them longingly, we'll try to save them for the holidays - although I think those sparkly soetkoekies will go wonderfully with egg nog, while we put up the tree.

The packaging of all treats also means they are perfect to keep on display (and at the ready for unexpected guests) - while also making perfect emergency presents - you know, the ones that are kept at the bottom of the tree, with a blank label...just in case.
Tinsel Bauble, Sparkly Soetkoekies, Handcrafted Humbugs
Woolworths has also kindly given me a few treats for kids - including toys, soft Christmas decorations and a few sweet treats. Seeing as though our family consists of only two people - I'm sure someone out there has a better use for plushies than we do.

To enter, comment below and tell me what you love most about Christmas. It would be lovely if you could also extend a little Christmas cheer and follow me on Twitter. That's it. Winner will be announced on Friday, 29 November. Please leave your email address and Twitter handle so I can contact you if you've won.

Prize to be collected from Cape Town.

                  I received all products as a gift from Woolworths. Images taken with a Canon EOS 600D from Loot.co.za


  1. I love pretty much everything about Christmas. I love: the music; the baking; how everyone's in a good mood; the time spent with family and friends; the presents; the anticipation up to Christmas day; the decorations; the shopping; the planning; the budgeting; the giving; the receiving; the food; and even the crowds. Hello!? I have shared this giveaway on Twitter (@flutterbymegs) and following you too! Fingers crossed! x

  2. This might sound strange but I love the smell of tinsel! Of course I love being with family and friends and the all round jolliness (might be all the boozey cakes; ) ) but I love TINSEL and I'm a big kid at heart and enjoy popping into toy stores to see what's on offer now. I promise I've been good this year and I'm on Santa's list. Following you @urkila. = )

  3. LOOOOVVEE Christmas!! The best part has got to be how everybody's spirits seem to lift at this time of the year, like they're all bopping along to "here comes Santa Claus" while they walk :) There is just a buzz in the air everywhere you go!
    but you also can’t forget the fairy lights, Christmas jingles, all the decorations, poolside lunches and FAMILY time, lots of Family time paired with delicious food! Yay - so excited!
    Following you @mariandthomas

  4. Rehana Seedat email: dseedat@telkomsa.net Twitter: @rehanaseedat From being with family members to buying gifts putting up Christmas decorations putting up the tree, driving around looking at all the beautiful Christmas lights,all the great food and watching everyone open their gifts and looking so surprised and everyone hugging and making New Year wishes that we will probably never keep, watching Christmas movies on TV and we can't leave out all the baking for everyone making new recipes, A child's face as they sit on Santa's lap, feeling good and wanting to do more for the underprivileged and wondering why we don't do that all year around knowing every gift is Christmas to them. all that is what i love about Christmas

  5. I love this time of the year because we finally get to have a break. No more rushing off to work for a while - you can't beat that. But spending quality time with the kids, really making the most of the time that we get together to have fun in the sun is pretty amazing!
    @cindyalfino or cindyalfino@gmail.com :)

  6. There is just so much to love about Xmas. I love all the great festive eats. I think it is because of the packaging with bows and stars etc. The vibe around the festive season is exciting, rushed and loving. Everyone seems happier for me.
    I have shared this on twitter

  7. What I love most about Christmas? EVERYTHING. It is the countdown to a celebration of life, love and excitement and anticipation, standing at the brink of a brand new year! It’s a celebration of honour, thankfulness and gratitude to our God and Father above, for keeping us under His covering and carrying us through the tough times of the year. It’s the greatest time spent with family, decorating the entire house, inside and out, and shopping, for the people I love.
    A few days before Christmas Day, we spend the time baking cookies – short bread, julab jamun, hungarian tart, our version of cinnabons (cinnamon cookies and sugar coating), making fudge and burfee and jellies for triffle and homemade custard. It is an extravagant affair that EVERYBODY shares a part in. New decorations are brought out each year and we always end up buying some more. Dad, sets up the sparkly lights and ensures each night that every light bulb is in its rightful place, decorating the roof and all the pine trees that line up the driveway, mum sits every night, pondering over her shopping list of items which just gets longer and longer with ingredients still needed in preparation for the big Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings. Uncles and aunts from afar off, all gather at our house and start to arrive one after the next over several days. The kitchen has no free spaces with boxes of litchi, mango, grapes, pineapples, kiwis and all sorts of fruits. The house is jam packed with luggage and suitcases, all lining up alongside beds. Couches are extended and made into beds. The geyer runs out of hot water more often than usual with the amount of people under one roof yet nobody complains. The children love to see each other and it’s an endless time of games, splashing in the pool and chasing and laughter and excitement and sleepless times, playing games, watching movies and sharing their new gifts and toys. The CD players never has a break, with sounds filling each and every room as soon as the first cd starts out and the 5 disk plays on of all our favourites. The outside patio has a smell of HTH bleach and pool cleaner as Dad ensures every morning that the creepy crawly is running and the pool is ready for the day! The night before, the tree hovers over endless gift boxes and gift bags, fighting for space on the ground. There is a bustle in the kitchen as the turkey, the leg of lamb and the roast chicken all get stuffed (haha), and marinated ribs are lavishly basking in their juicy marinade. The veggies are all chopped and prepared and buttered and seasoned for roasting in their rack to be popped into the oven before we leave for church the next morning. The grand finale of coming back from church and setting up the extended table with watering mouths as you lay out the plates and cutlery and candles. What I love most about Christmas, I am asked…for blessings and blessings and more blessings in abundance of having all my family together and full of laughs and yummy food.

  8. I love Christmas as all the family get together and share wonderful times and making memories that will last. Love the smell of the Christmas roast cooking in the oven and seeing the children open their presents excitedly. Christmas is such a special time of the year as our Dear Lord Jesus was born and this is what we are actually celebrating. Tracy-wright76@outlook.com @TracyWright01

  9. My favourite thing about Christmas (apart from the special time spent reconnecting with family who now live mostly far away) is cracking open Christmas CDs and decorating the Christmas tree.

    When I was younger, I spent the December holidays looking forward to the day that we would decorate the Christmas tree. Inevitably, my sister, cousins and I would all be dressed in our cossies, having spent the day in the swimming pool. Mum would put on some awesome Christmas tunes (usually Carols from Kings - which I still love to listen to today) and we would spend a happy afternoon or evening decorating the tree, making it look beautiful.

    To this day, as Christmas starts approaching, I start looking forward to being able to start the Christmas tunes playing and getting my own (currently minimal) Christmas decorations out and spending a happy morning or afternoon decorating the tree and anticipating special family time.

  10. Wow what amazing prize. I love christmas I even have my tree up already That still needs a few extra here and there decorations and some if my Christmas shopping done and wrapped too. Christmas time is the best part of the year for everybody it bring back so many memories to young and old. The smiles, joy, laughter and happiness during this time of year is always happy times. I love decorating the Christmas tree, baking gingerbread house with my son and decorating it even if it takes 3 days of attempts to try get the house glued together it's the fun small little things we do this time of year that is treasured and the most memories made. Everyone inner child comes out at this time is the year. Followed on Twitter @cirstenvdh

  11. I love being able to make the special people in my life feel appreciated by carefully choosing a gift that is perfect for them. It's really not about the money- the thought makes it special.

    Those Sparkly Soetkoekies are now on my shopping list!

    @caoflirty30 | cocktailsao(@)gmail.com

  12. Family, that is what I love most about Christmas. Spending time relaxing and enjoying a day with my family. Also since having a child Christmas just seems so much more 'special'. I love running around and making everything perfect for my little girl.


  13. I love the build up, the excitement in my kids and the absolute joy on Christmas eve when they open their presents. I also like the time we get to spend together as a family doing crafts and baking Christmas treats

  14. Also LOVE Woolworths haha.....Gosh, Christmas is a wonderful time of reconnecting with family, of cooking turkey and ham with my dear little old mother and Christmas pud and the Fluffy Brandy Sauce passed down from generations which just about knocks everyone out.....then playing games with all different ages, swimming, having fun....oh yes and prezzies....specially for children who love their prezzies so much......perhaps watch Top 20 Funniest clips and then gratefully climb into our beds later. It is a special day.

  15. This is honestly my best time of year. Not only do we take a break from our busy lives but we get to spend quality time with family, which in this day and age is to be treasured. I love the sparkle, the glitter and the fairy lights. I love the look on my children faces when they see the Christmas tree stacked with gifts on Christmas morning. In fact, what is not to love! @nikkiferreira nikki@justaddmilk.co.za

  16. Christmas and and the holiday period have many feelings and emotions surrounding it. For me is surely (and in no paricular order) the classic Boney M Christmas carols, my mom's trifle, the smell of a freshly cut pine tree, family and friends, our beautiful beaches, presents (receiving and giving), the aroma of cinnamon cookies from Woolies and the peace of celebrating the birth of Christ.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I have always loved Christmas but as I have got older, it lost a little bit of its magic and had just become commercialised. Now that I have a child of my own, I have fallen in love with Christmas again as I am seeing it through the eyes of our 3 year old. She is in absolute awe of all the decor and lights in the shops, the nativity plays, the christmas carols etc. The past two years she has been too young to really appreciate it but this year she is so excited. She can't wait for Father Christmas to come and has twice already put out biscuits so that he doesn't "forget her" she says. I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with her as to me it is all about family. @sandsbecker / sandy@borderglass.co.za

  19. Coming from a very close family, Christmas to me is getting together with family. It's the one day where we all get together, no one rushes about or clock watches because they've got something else to do. We spend it enjoying each others company and eating far too much. I love the excited feeling of Christmas morning, and more importantly, having two toddlers, the build up to Christmas and them coming to see what's under the tree, their little faces are priceless. I love hearing the carols playing In the shops and all the decor. It's just that whole happy, jolly, festivity that I love and how people tend to help one another more :-) botha.lynn@za.sika.com @LynnandJP

  20. I love everything and anything about Christmas! Christmas carols playing while cooking and baking. Sitting in the evenings with my husband watching our Christmas tree lights! Making memories with family and friends. This Christmas is an extra special one because it is my son's first Christmas.

  21. Sorry in my excitement to enter I forgot my details... :/ @lorindaleroux lcw310@gmail.com

  22. I absolutely LOVE everything about Christmas so it's hard to narrow it down to just one thing! Sorry!! I love all the gorgeous decorations, the good excuse to eat more cos it's celebration time ;0), the time you get to spend with family and friends and spoil them with gorgeous gifts, late night visits eating Christmas cookies and just the whole happy festive feeling! Christmas is a special time for me! I just love it! I have a 5 year old and am 7 and a half months pregnant with my 2nd baby which we waited 3 years for so this Christmas is really special as it will be the last one as a family of 3! We cannot wait to add our new little bundle to the mix so it's definitely going to be a very Perry Christmas for us!! Would also love to add those gorgeous goodies to our Christmas collection so we can have some new goodies for the new baby! Thanks for being so generous and sharing the Woolies love with us! Xx




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