One of the reasons I started a blog was to show people that they could make things from scratch - pastry, desserts, pies - all possible in your kitchen. However, even I admit that sometimes convenience wins. You may have noticed that there has been a noticeable lack of recipes on the blog recently, having not had much time in my own kitchen, I've been eating every one else's creations instead.
Recently, an occasion arose that required a cake (I have not yet plunged the depths forcing me to actually buy a cake) - so NoMU's baking kits once again came to the rescue. Actually, let's be honest - I've made this exact cake, twice.
Their Vanilla Cake Mix, with the zest of two oranges mixed into the cake batter, topped with their icing (also included) - with the zest and juice of an orange mixed in. Done.
Now, orange cake isn't something that has ever made it onto my top 10 dessert list, but this cake is pretty special. Not overwhelmingly citrus, but with a hint of interest that makes you pause to think after your first bite. Everyone who's eaten it, loved it. And now they know my dirty little NoMU secret. Busted.
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