The Beauty of Grootbos

When you are faced with the utter luxury of Grootbos – the exquisite food, exceptional service – it is sometimes easy to take the beauty around you for granted, or to glance over all the good that is being done – often, behind the scenes.

Starting with the ‘obvious’ beauty – it is truly a spectacular part of the world. With fynbos as far as the eye can see…and then beyond that, the chance to see leaping whales in season – the Grootbos experience only begins in your suite. To truly absorb the vastness and greatness of your surroundings, we can’t recommend a Flower Safari highly enough. Through the bush and thousands of different plants, small animals and birds, it is the best way to appreciate the area – and also makes for many great photo opportunities.

All led by trained guides, you will learn about the plants and flowers in season, how the local flora and fauna are being preserved and have the opportunity to get up close and personal with the various species.

A little closer to ‘home’ – just before Garden Lodge, you will find Green FuturesGrootbos’ local  Horticulture and Life Skills college – with a nursery open to the public. Established in 2003, Green Futures provides an annual training programme to 12 unemployed young adults from the Gansbaai area. In addition to the education curriculum the college provides transport, breakfast and lunch, uniforms, equipment and a stipend to students. 

The aim of the course is to give these candidates the skills and confidence necessary to market themselves and become employable while at the same time contributing to the conservation and promotion of our region’s unique biodiversity. Since the inception of Green Futures, 90% of the graduates have found employment on completion of the course.

If you follow the road past Garden Lodge with the  Flower Safari, it will lead you past Growingthe FuturesGrootbos’ Organic Food Production and Life Skills certification course that provides an annual training programme to 8 unemployed women from the Gansbaai area. 

It teaches ladies from the local community how to grow and sustain their own food – besides the support the project receives from donations and sponsorship, a large portion of the produce is sold back to Grootbos, creating a beautifully symbiotic relationship - 100% of the herbs used in the kitchens of Grootbos are produced by Growing the Future. The project also supplies Grootbos with organic eggs, honey, pork and vegetables.

Stemming from Growing the Futures, Grootbos has also started providing ‘food boxes’ for the local community. A large wooden box becomes a self-sustaining system for growing fruit and vegetables – ensuring a reliable and healthy source of food for residents in local communities.

Yes, your suite has a luxurious bath and cosy fireplace – but that’s only where the beauty of Grootbos begins. The rest is there for you to discover – put your foot out the door.

I enjoyed my stay as a guest of Grootbos. All images are my own.


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