Grootbos | Green Futures

Even though it's been over a month since our Grootbos visit, I'm still reliving our time there - I had no idea it was possible to fit in so much in 24 hours. I've shared the food, accommodation, and their Growing the Futures project with you - and now, perhaps one I need to pay the most attention to - Green Futures.
I say "pay the most attention" because, to be honest - I am terrible with plants. This fills me with great sadness, as I love them and adore being surrounded by green life...but it is always somewhat short lived. I buy plants, I even name them, love them, water them but it sadly never lasts long. So, I was keen for a little visit to Green Futures, and to see if any of the happy-plant-vibes would rub off on me.

Green Futures college give unemployed members of the local community a future in the field of fynbos landscaping and conservation. Students attend classes on the premises with lecturers employed and a training curriculum. As part of their practical work, students are involved in growing and caring for the plants that will ultimately be sold and the funds generated reinvested into the project.
 After completing the course, students may be selected to become trainee facilitators at the college :Nomvumiso went to do the facilitating course and assessor's course, and after that a Higher Diploma in Adult Basic Education and Training (HDABET) for 3 years - she is now a qualified teacher. The students and college also offer landscaping services - for more information on this, and to support the college and students click here.

Wondering around their garden of plants for sale, I wanted to give them a good home - but knew, that sadly that home wouldn't be with me. So we walked around, like kids in a candy store - rows and rows of ridiculously cheap, indigenous plants around us, and filled the back seat with beautiful, indigenous plants to take back to my mom : costing us around R80. If you are ever in the area, buying from the nursery is reason enough to visit Green Futures.
Having a group of skilled, trained, 'green-fingered' experts is also fantastic for the Grootbos reserve - it ensures that the plants in the reserve thrive and that species that may need a little more care, survive. Win-win.

Note : We enjoyed our stay as guests of Grootbos - all views, opinions and images are my own.  


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